Add a new user to the organizational hierarchy
Applicable Roles:
- Administrators
This article is intended for administrators who want to set up new users seeking to join the company environment using an activation code.
Users who
join via an activation code will need to be assigned to leaders in the system. When a new user joins a company through its activation code, this user is placed into the same company's instance of Skillibrium under the user list tab. However, an extra step is needed to help assign the person to the appropriate leader under the organizational hierarchy.
To identify the correct supervisor/leader for a new user who has joined the company account and associate them with their appropriate leader within the system, the system administrator should follow the steps below. Once the person is assigned a leader, then the person will appear in the overall Organization Tree Hierarchy.
1- Click
TEAM from the menu bar and select
My Org.
2- Navigate to the
User list tab.
3- Under the column Manage Name, locate the user you wish to add and click on the add leader icon ( ) next to their name.
4- In the
Change Leader popup window, select the appropriate leader for the user from the dropdown list of users within your organization.
5- Finally, click CHANGE to save your selection.
After completing these steps, the new user will be visible in the
Org Hierarchy tab, reflecting their position within the organization hierarchy.
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